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美军68人涉嫌盗窃价值180万美元军火 向中国倒卖


The U.S. 68 people suspected of stealing $ 1.8 million worth of arms to China reselling


美国海军经过长达近两年的调查发现,北卡州一些军人盗窃价值约180万美元的武器、作战装备和其他物资,卖给包括中国在内的其他国家。HgmRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

综合媒体5月16日报道,美国军方15日说,这些军备包括冲锋枪、夜视镜等。迄今已发现68名现役陆战队员、海军和文职人员涉案。HgmRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

海军刑事调查局(NCIS)在一年半以前即开始调查此案,许多涉嫌人是北卡罗来纳州陆战队基地列朱恩营区(Camp Lejeune)的军人。HgmRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

列朱恩营区发言人15日在一封电邮中说,营区和第二陆战队远征军的指挥官支持此项调查。NCIS发言人布伊斯(Ed Buise)则表示,两年的调查追回180万美元的军队财产,这并不是第一起军人盗卖政府的作战物资案。HgmRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

列朱恩营区发言人法伊(Nat Fahy)表示,NCIS的66项调查发现47名现役陆战队员和海军人员以及21名文职人员,涉嫌盗卖军用物资。其中约半数案子已交法院审理,许多被告已经认罪,已有两名陆战队员被定罪。HgmRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

陆战队中士雷奇(Daniel Adam Reich)14日被定盗卖军队财产等罪,罚款2,500美元,判40个月徒刑和不名誉退伍。陆战队上尉庞普(Donald Pump)上周被定企图盗卖军队财产等罪,被开除军籍并判处18个月监禁。HgmRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

据悉,这些美军通过eBay和Craiglist上网兜售赃物,也利用庭院拍卖(yard sale)及秘密当面交易等方式,出售这些军备,包括800元一支的军用高科技手电筒。HgmRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

NCIS人员确认被盗财产也有来自陆军和空军,从而发起涉及士兵和空军的数个调查。不断扩大的调查让FBI、国土安全部、联邦酒精烟草爆炸物管理局等机构参与调查。HgmRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

After nearly two years of investigation, the United States Navy North Carolina soldiers theft valued at about $ 1.8 million in weapons, combat equipment and other materials and sold to other countries, including China.

The integrated media reported on May 16, the U.S. military said on the 15th, these arms including assault rifles, night vision goggles. Has so far found 68 active duty Marines, Navy and civilian personnel involved.

A year and a half ago, the Naval Criminal Investigation Bureau (NCIS) began investigating the case, many suspect is a Marine Corps base in North Carolina are listed Zurn camp (Camp Lejeune,) soldiers.

Column Zurn camp spokesman, said in an e-mail on the 15th, the camp and the commander of the Second Corps to support the investigation. NCIS spokesman Buyi Si (Ed Buise), to recover $ 1.8 million two-year investigation of the military property, this is not the first from the soldiers stealing and selling government war materiel case.

Column Zurn camp spokesman for the law in Iraq, Nat Fahy, said the 66 NCIS investigation found 47 active duty Marines and Navy personnel and 21 civilians suspected of stealing and selling military supplies. About half of the case has been referred to the Court, many of the defendants have pleaded guilty, two Marines has been convicted.

Corps Shilei Qi (Daniel Adam Reich,) 14 was stealing and selling army property and other crimes, a fine of $ 2,500 and sentenced to 40 months in prison and a dishonorable retired. Marine Corps Captain Pang Pu, Donald Pump last week was an attempt to steal and sell army property and other crimes, was dishonorably discharged and sentenced to 18 months in prison.

It is reported that the U.S. military through eBay and Craiglist to peddle stolen goods on the Internet, use of the courtyard (yard purchase) auction and the secret face-to-face transactions, the way to sell these arms, including 800 yuan a military high-tech flashlight.

NCIS confirmed that the stolen property from the Army and Air Force, which launched involving soldiers and Air Force investigation. The expanding investigation to the FBI, the Department of Homeland Security, the Federal Alcohol Tobacco explosives Authority institutions involved in the investigation.
HgmRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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