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奥朗德当选法国总统 法国翻开新的一页(高清组图)


Hollande was elected President of France, France opened a new one (HD Photo)


 7SyRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

7SyRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

Francois Hollande, 1954, was born on June 12, Rouen, France is a household name. He graduated from National School of Administration, said the French President of the cradle. Although he never served in the French government, but over the years has served as the leader of the Socialist Party. This man is nothing to boast about, but doing things calm, superior eloquence.7SyRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

弗朗索瓦·奥朗德,1954年6月12日出生于鲁昂,在法国是家喻户晓的人物。他毕业于有法国“总统摇篮”之称的国家行政学院。他虽然从未在法国政府任职,但多年来一直担任社会党的党魁。此人其貌不扬,但处事冷静、口才出众。7SyRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
奥朗德当选法国总统 法国翻开新的一页(高清组图)
人民网7SyRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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7SyRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

1981年,密特朗当选总统,奥朗德成为总统府顾问,进入总统府的经济班子。图片拍摄于1981年5月26日。7SyRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
1981, Mitterrand was elected president, François Hollande, the presidential adviser, into the Office of the President's economic team. The picture was taken on May 26, 1981.7SyRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

7SyRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

在2012年法国大选中,有专家分析,奥朗德处处模仿上一位社会党总统密特朗,希望能在竞选中获得加分因素。左图为法国前总统密特朗。7SyRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
In the 2012 French presidential election, expert analysis, Hollande everywhere to imitate on a Socialist President Francois Mitterrand, hoping to get a plus factor in the campaign. Left for the former French President Francois Mitterrand.
7SyRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

 7SyRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

7SyRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

1997年至2008年,奥朗德担任社会党第一书记,是社会党任期最长的第一书记。但这11年,他不得不时时维护自己在党内的威信、证明自己领导能力。图为1997年4月21日,奥朗德在社会党总部的新闻发布会上回答记者提问.7SyRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

In 1997-2008, Hollande was the Socialist Party first secretary, first secretary of the Socialist Party's longest-serving. But 11 years, he had to constantly maintain their own prestige in the party, to prove his leadership ability. The picture shows the April 21, 1997, answering questions from reporters in the press conference of the Socialist Party headquarters, Hollande.7SyRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

7SyRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

奥朗德的政治经历并不能称为一帆风顺。如果说在任期的前五年间,总理若斯潘的政治影响使他难有施展的空间的话,2002年社会党总统大选失败、若斯潘宣布退出政坛则在一夜之间把他推向了政治前台,面对的是噩梦初醒、四分五裂的社会党。图为1997年5月10日,当选社会党第一书记的奥朗德探访选区。7SyRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Hollande's political experience and can not be called smooth. If the first five years of the term of office, the Prime Minister Greenspan's political influence difficult display space, the failure of the Socialist Party in 2002 presidential election, Jospin announced to quit politics overnight, propelled him to political front face is a nightmare Partially awakened divided Socialist Party. The picture shows the May 10, 1997, was elected first secretary of the Socialist Party, François Hollande, visited the constituency.7SyRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
7SyRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

7SyRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

有了众人的助阵,奥朗德在2008年卸任社会党党魁之后逐步崛起。很多法国民众以及所有社会党高层都强调,奥朗德是个可以团结所有人的政治家。他的移民政策更加温和,他提出的社会公正理念,更能团结众多法国民众。7SyRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

With the crowd cheered, and François Hollande, the outgoing Socialist Party leader in 2008 and gradually rise. Many French people, as well as all senior Socialist Party have stressed that Hollande is a unity of all politicians. His more moderate immigration policy, he proposed the concept of social justice, more solidarity of many French people.7SyRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

也许是法国社会的裂痕过于明显,2012年2月1日,奥朗德在发表住房问题的讲话时意外遭到面粉“袭击”,脸、眼睛、头发和新装均“遇袭”变白。投掷面粉的女士称自己遭受了不正当待遇,但并未详细提及。奥朗德在遭受攻击后一时显得有些惊讶,不过他并未因此受伤,也很快恢复了镇定。奥朗德表示他不会因此更换安保人员,称这是“职业风险”。7SyRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
7SyRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Perhaps the French society, the rift is too obvious, February 1, 2012, François Hollande, the accident was published the housing problems of speech flour "attack", face, eyes, hair and new clothes are "attacked" white. Throwing flour Ms. suffered unfair treatment, but no details mentioned. François Hollande, the moment appears to attack a little surprised, but he has not injured, was quickly restored to calm. Hollande said he would not replace the security personnel, saying that it was "occupational risk".
7SyRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

人民网巴黎5月6日电 当地时间5月6日晚8点,法国电视台公布的总统大选第二轮初步计票结果显示,社会党候选人奥朗德以51.8%的得票率击败现任总统、人民运动联盟候选人萨科齐,当选新一任法国总统。第二轮投票的正式结果将于5月10日公布。5月中旬,新任总统将正式就职并任命新一届政府。奥朗德成为第五共和国第二位社会党籍总统。此次投票率预计在80%左右,民众参与度较高。7SyRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

现任总统萨科齐的得票率为48.2%。虽然萨科齐在任内进行了退休制度等改革,但是适逢欧债危机,导致法国经济不景气,民众购买力下降,失业率高企。生活质量下降让民众对萨科齐丧失信心。同时,萨科齐行事高调的作风多为法国人诟病。因此,萨科齐在选前的民调支持率一直落后于奥朗德。此外,萨科齐失利还在于没能团结好右派各方势力。选前,极右候选人玛丽娜·勒庞号召其支持者投空白票,中间派贝鲁则明确表示支持奥朗德,都给了迎头追赶的萨科齐以沉重打击。萨科齐还是通过“向右倾”争取极右选民支持,缩小了与奥朗德的分差。但在原本期待可以反击一搏的电视辩论中,萨科齐非但没在气势上压倒奥朗德,反而被对手抓住执政5年来的问题不放,最终没能完成逆转。7SyRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

反观奥朗德获得了梅朗雄和艾娃·若利等左派其他候选人的力挺,又从中间派甚至极右势力分流了不少选票。同时,奥朗德一直依靠无形的“反萨科齐”阵线,以“变革就是现在”、“继续还是改变”为宣传中心,唤起民众对萨科齐的不满情绪。奥朗德的竞选计划坚持了左派注重社会公平和福利的传统,承诺当选后推进税制改革、扶持中小企业、加强对大企业和富人征税、增加公职岗位等。这些旨在提高社会服务和社会福利水平的主张都赢得了不少民众的支持。最终使左派一举扬眉吐气,17年后重返爱丽舍宫。7SyRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

然而,奥朗德需要面对的是较2007年时更加复杂和严峻的局势,在内政、欧盟事务、外交方面都存在巨大的挑战。一方面,奥朗德及左派缺乏足够的执政经验;另一方面,法国社会和经济发展迫切需要变革。在国内,奥朗德需要面对不断升高的失业率和愈演愈烈的产业转移潮,如何拉动经济增长并兑现竞选承诺,提高法国的竞争力,是奥朗德必须面对的头等难题。同时,对于萨科齐时代的改革措施,是推倒重来还是保留改革成果,都需要奥朗德认真应对。7SyRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

在欧盟事务上,奥朗德对欧盟现行的紧缩的财政政策表示质疑。他提倡以经济刺激来促进增长,振兴欧洲经济。同时,他还表示将重启欧洲财政契约谈判,并主张加强法国在“法德轴心”中的主导作用。奥朗德试图为应对经济危机寻找新的途径,并重新定义法德轴心,加强法国在欧盟中的主导作用。奥朗德就职后将出访德国,保持两国在处理欧盟事务上的一致。7SyRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

同时,奥朗德一上台就要马不停蹄地代表法国在国际舞台上发挥应有的作用。5月中旬就职后,奥朗德需要陆续出席八国集团首脑会议、北约芝加哥峰会、二十国集团峰会。在北约芝加哥峰会上,按照竞选承诺,奥朗德应向其盟友宣布2012年底法国将完成从阿富汗撤军的决定。奥朗德的国际事务经验较为欠缺,甫一上台就要在国际会议中扮演重要角色并维护法国的利益,这成为他需面对的另一大挑战。7SyRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

此次大选结果表明法国民众在危机时局中求变心切。奥朗德必须组建一个强势政府领导法国走出困局,因此社会党需要在6月10日和17日举行的议会选举中成为多数党。而萨科齐及右派将势必保住议会选举,力争形成左右共治的局面,以避免左派一家独大的局面。奥朗德的胜选一定程度上阻止了欧洲向右转的趋势,也标志着法国、乃至欧洲新的一页翻开。7SyRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

Hollande was elected President of France, France opened a new one (HD Photo) People7SyRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
7SyRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
7SyRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
People PARIS, May 6 (Xinhua) local time on May 6 evening 8 o'clock, the French television announced the second round of the presidential election, the preliminary vote count results show that the Socialist candidate, François Hollande, with 51.8% of the vote, beat the incumbent president, the people sports leagues candidate Nicolas Sarkozy, was elected the new term of the President of France. The official results of the second round of voting will be held in May 10. In mid-May, the new president will be the official inauguration and the appointment of a new government. Hollande become president of the society from the party of the Fifth Republic. The voter turnout is expected, people involved in a high degree of about 80%.7SyRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
7SyRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
The votes of the incumbent President Nicolas Sarkozy was 48.2%. Sarkozy in any reform of the retirement system, but coincides with the debt crisis in Europe, leading to the French economic downturn, people decline in the purchasing power of the high unemployment rate. Reduced quality of life so that people lose faith in Sarkozy. The same time, Nicolas Sarkozy, acting in a high-profile style is criticized for the Frenchman. Therefore, before the election, Sarkozy's poll ratings have been lagging behind Hollande. In addition, Sarkozy lost is not able to unite the rightist parties forces. Before the election, Marina, far-right candidate Jean-Marie Le Pen called on its supporters to cast blank votes, the centrist Bayrou expressed clear support for Hollande, gave a catch up with Sarkozy with a heavy blow. Sarkozy or through the "right" for the extreme right-wing voters, and narrowed the points difference with Hollande. The televised debate was expecting can fight a stroke, Sarkozy not only failed in imposing on the overwhelming Hollande, but opponents seize in power for five years to link, and ultimately failed to complete reversal.7SyRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
7SyRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
The other hand, Hollande Melao male and Eva, if interest and other leftist candidates behind, and from centrist or even rightist forces to divert a lot of votes. Hollande has been to rely on the invisible "anti-Sarkozy" Front, "change is now," "continue, or change" to promote the center, to arouse the people of Sarkozy's discontent. François Hollande, the campaign plans to adhere to the tradition of leftist focus on social justice and welfare, to promote tax reform after the election commitment to support small and medium enterprises, strengthen the tax on large businesses and the wealthy, increase in public service roles. These ideas are aimed at improving the level of social services and social welfare has won the support of many people. Eventually the left in one fell swoop proud to return to the Elysee Palace after 17 years.7SyRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
7SyRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
However, Hollande is compared with the more complex and critical situation in 2007 in internal affairs, EU affairs, diplomacy, there is a huge challenge. On the one hand, Hollande and the left is the lack of governing experience; the other hand, the French social and economic development is an urgent need for change. In China, Hollande to face the tide of rising unemployment and growing industrial transfer, how to stimulate economic growth, and to fulfill campaign promises to improve France's competitiveness, Hollande have to face a top problem. At the same time, Sarkozy era of reform measures to reinvent the wheel or to retain the results of the reform, Hollande seriously address.7SyRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
7SyRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
EU affairs, François Hollande, the EU's current tight fiscal policy was questioned. He advocated economic incentives to promote growth, revitalizing the European economy. Same time, he also said it would restart the European financial contract negotiations, and advocates strengthening the leading role of France in the Franco-German axis ". The Hollande trying to find new ways to the economic crisis, and redefine the Franco-German axis, to strengthen the leading role of France in the European Union. François Hollande, the inauguration will be a visit to Germany, to maintain the consistency between the two countries in dealing with EU affairs.7SyRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
7SyRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
At the same time, Hollande came to power we must have non-stop on behalf of the French play its due role in the international arena. After taking office in mid-May, Hollande need one after another at the G8 summit, the NATO summit in Chicago, the Group of Twenty summit. Summit of the NATO Chicago, according to campaign promises, François Hollande, its allies, should be announced by the end of 2012, France will complete the decision to withdraw troops from Afghanistan. The Hollande experience in international affairs more lacking, As soon as he came to power necessary to play an important role in international meetings and to safeguard the interests of France, he had to face another big challenge.7SyRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
7SyRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
The election results show that French people are eager for change in the crisis, the current situation. Hollande must build a strong government leadership of the French out of the doldrums, the Socialist Party needs to become the majority party in the parliamentary elections held on June 10 and 17. Nicolas Sarkozy and the right wing will be bound to keep the parliamentary elections, and strive to form a left-governance situation in order to avoid dominate left-wing one. Hollande's victory to some extent, prevent the trend of the European turn to the right, also marks France, and Europe new one opened.
7SyRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

 7SyRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

 7SyRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

7SyRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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