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皮卡四川高速路上侧翻出16具尸体 吓坏路人(组图)


Sichuan highway to roll out 16 bodies of terrified passers-by


HrBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

HrBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

HrBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

6月2日上午,四川隆纳高速距泸州收费站约7公里处一辆皮卡侧翻,车上16具尸体散落地面。交警到达现场后闻到臭味忍不住干呕。经确认,尸体为泸州医学院教学实验标本。这些标本为该校从川大购买的。警方事后声明称无重大案件发生,希望大家不信谣、不传谣。HrBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

想象一下,当你驾车行驶在高速路上,前方突然发生车祸,一辆皮卡车在侧翻中,向路面散落出十多具包裹在塑料袋中的尸体,你的第一反应会是什么?HrBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

6月2日上午8点多,在隆纳高速距离泸州收费站约7公里处,货车驾驶员张先生便亲历了这惊悚一幕。HrBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

“这些尸体到底是从哪里来的?是否是重大案件中遇害者的遗体?”昨日上午,惊魂未定的张先生拨通了华西城市读本泸州新闻热线18283000001。华西城市读本记者就此展开了调查。HrBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

皮卡爆胎路上乍现一堆尸体HrBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

6月2日上午,张先生驾驶货车从成都开往泸州。在行驶至距离泸州收费站尚有7公里处,张先生发现前方的一辆墨绿色皮卡车右后轮胎爆裂,发生侧翻。HrBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

由于皮卡车占据了主车道,张先生准备将货车停进应急车道,上前帮忙。然而,就在他将车子缓缓开进应急车道时,突然看见地面有十多具尸体,皮卡车司机正拉着篷布遮挡。那些尸体全部装在塑料袋中,地面上没有血迹,不可能是车祸中的遇害者。如此诡异的场景,让张先生不敢再轻易下车,赶紧猛踩一脚油门离开。HrBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

到达泸州收费站后,张先生这才停车拨打了110报警电话。此时,隆纳高速交警大队的民警李鸿伟和另一名同事,早已赶到了现场。原来,6月2日上午8点7分,李鸿伟就接到了车祸报警电话。电话中,一名男子称:自己乘坐的皮卡车在隆纳高速上发生侧翻,未造成人员伤亡。HrBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

扑鼻臭味引起交警现场干呕HrBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

在距离事故现场约10米外,一股怪异的味道飘进车里,让李鸿伟和同事忍不住一阵干呕,“有点像医院内消毒水和尸体腐烂后混合的味道。”HrBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

靠近现场后,李鸿伟看见爆胎的皮卡车横在道路中间,地上的一堆篷布正散发着怪异气味,旁边的应急车道上站着两名男子。HrBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

因为气味太怪异了,李鸿伟仔细看了看篷布下的东西。这一看,吓得李鸿伟猛然往后一跳:一条泛白浮肿的人腿从破损塑料袋中露出。细数以后,发现掩藏在篷布下的尸体竟有16具。HrBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

怎么回事?不是没有人员伤亡吗?怎么又有人腿?突然出现的尸体,让李鸿伟和同事都感觉头皮发麻。HrBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

这时,站在应急车道上的一名男子赶紧开口解释:“别误会,我是泸州医学院校教授,这是我们运输的教学实验标本。”查看男子证件后,李鸿伟和同事才松了一口气,并协助对方转运尸体。HrBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

当日上午10点半,16具尸体和侧翻的皮卡车,均被清理出高速公路。HrBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

16具尸体均是泸医教学标本HrBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

由于事发时,有不少司机和市民从现场经过,在目睹路边出现多具尸体后,市民误以为发生了重大案件。尤其是网络上,关于此事更是炒得沸沸扬扬,引起了部分市民恐慌。HrBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

日前,泸州市龙马潭区公安分局胡市派出所就此事发表了一份“情况说明”。HrBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

大致内容为:6月2日早上8时许,一辆装载有人体标本的皮卡车(川EAY5xx)由四川大学华西校区开往泸州医学院,在行至夏蓉高速隆纳段1954公里(胡市镇三教村段)时,车辆侧翻到路边,致使十余具尸体标本暴露,广大群众误以为发生重大案件。特此说明,希望广大群众在知道事实真相后,不信谣,不传谣。HrBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

昨日上午,华西城市读本记者致电泸州医学院的一位负责人。据该负责人证实,此次在车祸中出现的16具尸体,确实是他们从四川大学华西校区通过正常渠道购买的,主要是用于学校的教学。HrBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

On the morning of June 2, Sze Chuan Longna high speed about 7 km from Luzhou toll station a pickup rollover car 16 dead bodies scattered on the ground. The traffic police arrived at the scene smelled the odor could not help but retch. Confirmed that the bodies of Luzhou Medical College, teaching experiment samples. These samples for the school to buy from Sichuan. The police later said in a statement the occurrence of major cases, and hope that we do not believe the rumors, do not pass rumors.HrBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
HrBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Imagine you are driving on the highway, in front of a sudden a car accident, a pickup truck rollover in more than a dozen with the bodies wrapped in plastic bags scattered to the road, your first reaction will be?HrBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
HrBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
At 8:00 on the June 2 more than in Barcelona high-speed distance Luzhou toll station, about seven kilometers, Mr. Zhang of the truck driver witnessed this horror scene.HrBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
HrBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
"The bodies were in the end come from? Whether the remains of those killed in major cases?" Yesterday morning, Mr. Chang, shaken called the West China City Reading Luzhou news hotline 18283000001. Huaxi city Reading this reporter conducted an investigation.HrBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
HrBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Pickup flat tire on the road Zhaxian a pile of corpsesHrBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
HrBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
On the morning of June 2, Mr. Zhang, driving trucks from Chengdu to Luzhou bound. After traveling to a distance of the Luzhou toll booths are still seven kilometers, Zhang found a dark green pickup truck right in front of the tire burst, the rollover occurred.HrBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
HrBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Pickup trucks accounted for the main driveway, Mr. Zhang to prepare the truck pulled into the emergency lane and tried to help. However, in his car slowly drove into the emergency lane, I suddenly saw the ground more than a dozen bodies, pickup truck drivers pulled the tarp shelter. All the corpses in plastic bags, no blood on the ground, can not be killed in a car accident. Such a strange scene, Mr. Zhang did not dare to get off easily, quickly slam on the foot throttle left.HrBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
HrBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Luzhou toll station is reached, Mr. Zhang This parking call 110 phone. At this point, Barcelona high-speed traffic police brigade, police, Li Hongwei and another colleague, has long been rushed to the scene. It turned out that at 8:07 on June 2, Li Hongwei received a car accident alarm call. Phone, a man: his pickup truck traveling in Barcelona high-speed rollover occurs, causing no casualties.HrBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
HrBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Smelling the odor caused by the traffic police site retchingHrBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
HrBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Floated into the car about 10 meters from the scene of the accident, an odd taste, Li Hongwei and colleagues could not help but burst retching, "a little mixture of taste as a hospital disinfectant and rotting corpses."HrBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
HrBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Close to the scene, Li Hongwei see the tire of the pickup truck across the middle of the road, the pile on the ground tarp is exudes a strange odor, two men standing next to the emergency lane.HrBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
HrBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Because the smell is too weird, Li Hongwei carefully looked under the tarp things. This look scared Li Hongwei suddenly jump back: a whitening swollen legs exposed from the damaged plastic bags. Breakdown later found hidden in a tarp under the bodies of as much as 16.HrBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
HrBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
How is it? Not without casualties? How they legs? The sudden appearance of the body, Li Hongwei and colleagues feel the scalp tingling.HrBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
HrBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Then one man, standing in the emergency lane on the opening and quickly explained: "Do not misunderstand, I Luzhou professor of medical schools, the teaching of our transport experiment specimens." After viewing the man documents, Li Hongwei and colleagues only loose a breath, and to assist each other transshipment corpse.HrBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
HrBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
10:30 the same day, 16 dead bodies and the roll of the pickup truck were cleared from the highway.HrBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
HrBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
16 dead bodies were Lu medical teaching specimensHrBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
HrBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Because the incident occurred, after a lot of drivers and the public from the site, witnessed the roadside bodies, people mistakenly think that the occurrence of the major cases. Network, on the matter is more provoked much discussion, causing some people panic.HrBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
HrBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Recently, Hu City police station, the Luzhou the City Longmatan District Public Security Bureau on the matter published a "Fact Sheet".HrBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
HrBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Roughly as follows: June 2 at 8 pm, a loaded body specimens pickup car (Sichuan EAY5xx), bound for Luzhou Medical College, Sichuan University, Huaxi Campus, the line to Rong Xia Express Barcelona paragraph 1954 km (Hu town three religions Village), the vehicle roll to the side of the road, resulting in more than 10 bodies were exposed, the masses are mistakenly thought to occur major cases. Hereby hope that the masses know the truth, do not believe rumors, do not pass the rumor.HrBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
HrBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Yesterday morning, the Huaxi city Reading reporter to call a person in charge of Luzhou Medical College. According to the person in charge confirmed that the 16 dead bodies in a car accident, is indeed from Sichuan University Huaxi Campus purchased through normal channels, mainly used for teaching in schools.
HrBRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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