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长沙将用两月建世界第1高楼 比迪拜塔高50层(图)


Changsha will be used to build a high-rise buildings in the world


近日,网传远大集团将在湖南长沙建世界第一高楼,高838米,比迪拜塔还高50层,而且两个月建成。经证实,远大集团确实计划在长沙建设“天空城市”。这意味着,世界第一高楼或将落户中国长沙。4pGRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

据《潇湘晨报》6月7日报道,如果《碟中谍4》晚几年拍摄,阿汤哥也许会考虑来湖南长沙攀爬比迪拜塔还要高的“天空城市”。6月5日,网上和微博疯传一则“远大将在长沙建世界第一高楼”的消息。经证实,远大集团确实计划在长沙建设一座摩天大楼,被命名为“天空城市”,并计划于2013年元旦落成。4pGRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

4pGRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

微博网友“森狼senboy”6月5日发微博称,“远大可建今晚宣布‘J220-天空城市’计划,将在湖南长沙建造一座220层的世界最高楼,比迪拜塔高50层。计划于2012年12月31日竣工。”另一位微博网友“杨雪龙11”则表示,“天空城市838米,比迪拜塔还高,而且两个月建成,迪拜塔可是建了6年啊。”4pGRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

经远大集团新闻事务负责人朱琳芳介绍,这只是内部组织的签约活动,暂时还未对媒体披露,没想到被参加现场签约会的人传到了网上。同时她表示,“天空城市”选址在长沙望城区,具体地点不方便透露。4pGRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

据了解,“天空城市”和2010年发布的“空中城市”都使用可持续建筑技术。虽然外形上非常相似,但设计规划方面相比后者又有不少改良。“天空城市”仍是一个综合性社区概念的建筑,“里面既可以居住,也规划有酒店、医院、学校、商店等设施。”4pGRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

而此前,上海世博会远大馆就曾一度被认为是建筑界的奇迹。“早上开工,晚上竣工,一幢6层楼的建筑,24小时完成。”没有传统意义上的“土建”和“装修”,彻底实现了“工厂化”。4pGRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

远大集团,中国民营企业,是全球规模最大、技术水平最高的吸收式空调制造企业,创业于1988年。总部及生产基地均设于湖南长沙,董事长兼总裁张跃,资产约20亿元。4pGRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

Recently, the network transmission Broad Group in Changsha, Hunan Province to build the world's tallest building, 838 meters high, Bidibaita 50 storeys high, and two months of the completion. Proven, great group does plan to "sky city" construction in Changsha. This means that the world's tallest building will be located in Changsha, China.4pGRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
4pGRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Xiaoxiang Morning "reported on June 7, the" Mission Impossible 4 "taken in a few years later, Tom Cruise might consider coming to Changsha, Hunan, climbing even higher Bidibaita" sky city ". June 5, online and microblogging crazy to pass an "ambitious in Changsha to build the tallest building in the world" message. Proved, great group firm plans to build a skyscraper in Changsha, has been named as the "Sky City", and plans to be completed by New Year's Day 2013.4pGRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Microblogging Image4pGRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
4pGRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Issued on June 5 microblogging microblogging users "the the Mori wolf senboy" said, "Great can be built tonight announced that 'J220-sky city' plan, the construction of a 220 layer of the world's tallest building in Changsha, Hunan, Bidibaita high 50 layer. scheduled to be completed by December 31, 2012. "another microblogging users Yangxue Long 11" sky city, 838 meters Bidibaita also high, and two months of the completion of Burj Dubai, but to build a 6 years, ah. "4pGRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
4pGRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Zhulin Fang introduced by Broad Group News Affairs Officer, this is only the internal organization of the contracted activities, yet to be disclosed to the media did not expect to participate in on-site contract spread online. At the same time, she said, "Sky City" is located in Changsha looking city, to disclose the specific locations.4pGRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
4pGRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
It is understood that the "Sky City" and the 2010 release of "Air City" the use of sustainable construction techniques. Although very similar to the shape, design and planning compared to the latter there are a lot of improvement. "Sky City" is still the construction of an integrated community concept, "which can either live, but also planning hotels, hospitals, schools, shops and other facilities."4pGRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
4pGRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Previously, the Great Hall of the Shanghai World Expo had once been considered a miracle of the construction industry. The morning started the evening completed a six-storey building, 24 hours to complete. "There is no traditional sense of the" civil "and" renovation ", the full realization of the" factory ".4pGRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
4pGRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Broad Group, China's private enterprises, is the world's largest technical level, the highest absorption of air-conditioning manufacturing company, founded in 1988. Headquarters and production base are located in Changsha, Hunan, chairman and president Zhang Yue, assets of about $ 2 billion.
4pGRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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