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, funeral hearse around the West Lake, one week


 6 月4日下午2点,“平民英雄”吴斌出殡,灵车绕西湖一周。6月2日,杭州市发布公告,决定授予吴斌杭州市道德模范(平民英雄)荣誉称号,6月4日下午宣 布,吴斌被省人民政府批准为革命烈士,并追授为省劳模。5月29日,吴斌驾大客车行驶途中突遭飞来铁块击中,吴斌忍痛完成换挡、刹车等操作,安全疏散24 名旅客,自己却伤重身亡。QigRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

June 4 at 2 pm, civilian heroes, Roderick Woo, funeral hearses around the West Lake, one week. June 2, Hangzhou announced Roderick Woo, Hangzhou paragons of virtue (civilian heroes) decision to grant the honorary title, announced on the afternoon of June 4, Roderick Woo, has been approved by the Provincial People's Government as a revolutionary martyr, and posthumously awarded the provincial model workers. May 29, Roderick Woo, driving buses driving on the way suddenly hit by flying iron, Roderick Woo reluctantly complete the shift, brake operation, the safe evacuation of 24 passengers, their own but seriously injured and killed.QigRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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图为吴斌的母亲擦着眼泪目送儿子离去。QigRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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载着吴斌的灵车缓缓绕西湖一周。市民和游客自发来到路边,送别英雄司机。QigRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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图为吴斌的女儿捧着父亲的遗像出殡。QigRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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图为吴斌的妻子痛哭流泪。QigRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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平民英雄 伟大司机QigRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

杭州市委书记黄坤明批示:向平民英雄吴斌致敬。做到了别人能做的事是尽职做到了别人做不到的事是英雄。QigRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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QigRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

这是一个杭州司机的价值观。5月29日,杭州长运客运二公司员工吴斌,驾驶客车从无锡返杭途中,突然有一块铁块像炮弹一样,从空中飞落击碎车辆前挡风玻璃砸向他的腹部和手臂。面对肝脏破裂及肋骨多处骨折,肺、肠挫伤,危急关头,吴斌强忍剧痛,换挡刹车将车缓缓停好,拉上手刹、开启双跳灯,以一名职业驾驶员的高度敬业精神,完成一系列完整的安全停车措施,确保了24名旅客安然无恙,而他自己虽经全力抢救却因伤势过重去世,年仅48岁。QigRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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吴斌同志不幸牺牲后,杭州市委、市政府主要领导同志高度重视。浙江省委常委、市委书记、市人大常委会主任黄坤明作出批示:吴斌同志在危急时刻用生命履行了职责,为我们树立了坚守岗位、舍己为人的光辉榜样。向“平民英雄”致敬。QigRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

昨天上午,杭州市委常委、宣传部长、文明委副主任翁卫军,市人大常委会副主任徐苏宾,副市长陈小平,市政协副主席汪小玫专程来到英雄家中,代表市四套班子和全市人民对英雄吴斌不幸牺牲表示沉痛哀悼,并向家属表示崇高敬意和深切慰问。QigRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

吴斌灵堂设在家中客厅里,遗照上的吴斌看上去很年轻,目光专注,神情镇定,充满精神。吴斌的姐姐吴冰心说,“弟弟走得很从容,整个抢救过程十分艰难,甚至有点儿惨烈,但他的遗容是微笑的。危急时刻,弟弟没有酿成更大的灾难,没有给社会造成更大的损失,一个人承担了所有的东西。面对他临别的微笑,我们很痛苦,也很欣慰。”QigRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

翁卫军等亲切看望慰问了英雄模范吴斌家属,对吴斌同志用生命将岗位坚守到最后一刻的壮举表达崇高敬意,对他的不幸牺牲表示沉痛哀悼,嘱咐吴斌亲属节哀保重。QigRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

翁卫军说,吴斌同志在危急时刻能够勇于担当、坚守岗位、舍己为人,事迹感人。面对突如其来的灾难,他强忍剧痛,换挡刹车将车子靠边停好,并不忘打开双跳灯提醒后方车辆,看似平凡的举动,却是在多年学习工作中养成的职业道德和高尚品格,在关键时刻体现出了强烈的社会责任感。平凡之中见伟大,危难时刻见真情,吴斌用生命诠释了立足岗位、尽职尽责的奉献精神,是自觉践行社会主义核心价值体系的道德楷模,是“我们的价值观”主题实践活动中涌现出的先进典型。要深入挖掘和大力宣传吴斌同志的先进事迹,在全市开展向先进英模人物学习活动,进一步树立和弘扬良好社会风尚。QigRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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This is the driver of a Hangzhou values. May 29, Hangzhou Changyun passenger employees Roderick Woo, driving the bus back to Hangzhou on the way from Wuxi, suddenly a piece of iron is the same as shells from the air fly to pound his abdomen and arm crushed vehicles front windshield. Many the face of a liver laceration and rib fractures, lung, intestinal contusion, critical juncture, Wu Binjiang endure pain, shifting the brake the car slowly stopped, hand brake, open the double jump lights, a professional driver a high degree of professionalism, a full range of secure parking measures to ensure that the 24 passengers safe and sound, his own despite the rescue because of his injuries re-died at the age of 48 years of age.QigRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Roderick Woo comrades unfortunate death, the Hangzhou municipal government leading comrades attention. The Standing Committee of Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee, Municipal Committee, Municipal People's Congress, Huang Kunming given instructions: Roderick Woo comrades in times of crisis with their lives to fulfill the duties set us a shining example of their duties, self-sacrifice. To pay tribute to the "civilian heroes.QigRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Yesterday morning, the Hangzhou Municipal Committee, the propaganda minister, the civilization deputy director of Weng Weijun, deputy director of the City People's Congress Xu Subin, vice mayor Chen Xiaoping, City Vice Chairman Wang Xiaomei made a special trip came to a hero at home, the representative 市四套班子 and the people of the city on hero Roderick B WOO, unfortunate the expense of express profound condolences to, and to said that to the the families of the the the lofty respect and deep condolences to.QigRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Roderick Woo mourning hall set up home in the living room, funeral portrait of Roderick Woo looks very young, eyes focused, looked calm and full of spirit. Roderick Woo's sister, Wu Bing, brother to go very calm throughout the rescue process is very difficult, and even a bit tragic, but at his face smiling. Critical moment, my brother did not lead to an even greater disaster, not to society result in greater the loss of a bear all things. the face of his parting smile, We are very painful, and very pleased. "QigRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
QigRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Weng Weijun such as cordial visit condolences Fan Wubin family members of the heroic mold, Roderick Woo, comrades, life will post stick to the last minute feat express the high esteem in mourning, sacrifice of his misfortune, asked Roderick Woo, relatives grief take care.QigRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
QigRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Weng Weijun said Roderick Woo comrades in times of crisis the courage to play, stick to their posts, self-sacrifice, touching stories. Face of sudden disaster, he tolerate the pain, shifting the brake the car pull over, do not forget to open the double jump lights to warn rear of the vehicle, seemingly trivial move, but it is the work ethic to develop in the years of study and work reflects a strong sense of social responsibility and noble character, at the crucial moment. Mundane see the great moments of danger, see the truth with their lives, Roderick Woo, interpretation of our posts, dutiful dedication, moral leadership is consciously practice the socialist core value system, emerged in the practice of "our values" theme the advanced model. To dig and vigorously publicize advanced deeds of Roderick Woo, comrades, in the city to carry out learning activities to further foster and promote good social practice to advanced hero figures.
QigRainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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