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Workplace work hard to speak Chinese is very important


经济学人信息部(Economist Intelligence Unit)"近日公布了一份调查报告,题目为《跨国竞争:文化和沟通障碍如何影响商业》。今年2,3月间,该机构与合作伙伴对全球572名高级企业管理人员进行了一番调查,得出的结果是全球范围的经济衰退刺激各公司加大了国际化扩张的步伐。企业要想在海外市场成功,光有质量过硬、适应市场需要的产品和服务是远远不够的,还必须具备必要的文化敏感度和沟通技能。因此,许多公司日益期望未来员工能流利掌握主要外语。大多数高管认为国际扩张要成功,员工必须懂英语,汉语被认为是第二重要的语言。ccERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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Facebook创始人扎克贝格 (右)也在学习中文ccERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

学习中文有助于增加"亲近感"ccERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

而中国是德国在欧盟之外的最大贸易伙伴。2011年,中德双边贸易总额达1440亿欧元,德国对华出口额在过去三、四年内翻了一倍。在这样的背景之下,对于德国公司而言,如何更好地适应中国文化和市场就成为了一个重要的问题。长年在德国从事企业跨文化培训的钟鸣先生对德国之声表示,根据他的观察,近几年德国学习汉语和企业员工参加跨文化培训的数量确实有增加的趋势。虽然对于一些从事普通国际贸易的德国商人而言,也许并不需要太多的中文知识,因为大部分中国外贸人员都会说英语。但对于希望在中国进行投资的企业家或者参加管理工作的职业经理而言,掌握一些中文知识很有必要:"因为在中国的工作环境是中文环境,虽然中国员工一般也都会说英文,但外国管理人员如果会中文的话,可以获得更多信息。而对于中国员工来说,会说中文的外国人会有一种更强烈的亲近感,正因为有这种亲近感,相处就会更为融洽,工作过程中关系的建立会顺利一些"。ccERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

这一说法也得到了彼得·沃克维茨(Peter Wolkowicz)的证实,这位德国小伙子已经在上海生活工作了四,五年,"在中国不管是工作什么样的方面,用英语和德语有很多小事情解决不了,只能用中文沟通,比如说跟保安、阿姨或者顾客打交道等等。"ccERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

仅仅会说中文不能"包打天下"ccERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

根据中国教育部公布的官方数字,目前在中国留学的德国留学生有5400多人,其中许多人的主要目的都是学习中文。不过,对于西方人而言,学习中文难度极大,这也许可以解释为何在"经济学人信息部"进行的相关调查中,虽然诸多企业高管都认为中文很重要,但仅有8%的高管表示他们的员工需要掌握流利的汉语。此外,即使掌握了语言能力,也并不意味着沟通障碍就会不复存在。从事跨文化培训的钟鸣举了一个例子"我们中国人说'这个事情要考虑考虑',实际上意思是不再考虑了,而德国人听中国人说'考虑考虑'会觉得这个事情很有希望,但到最后会感到失望。在谈判或合作过程中,类似例子发生的几率很高"。ccERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

德国人沃克维茨也认为,良好跨国合作的最大障碍在于文化差异带来的沟通误解,作为一名曾经的汉学系学生,他对此也深有体会,"虽然我们知道了解这些不同的语言和文化背景的说法,我们还是不是百分之百的习惯这些东西,因为按照我们的逻辑和文化背景,我们还是觉得虽然脑子里懂了这个区别,但心里还是有些难受,因为我们毕竟习惯了比较直接,比较逻辑的沟通方式"。ccERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

沃克维茨觉得学语言的关键还是要理解文化,要"超越语法和词汇"。话虽如此,在沃克维茨效力的小设计公司里,一共六个外国人,五个来自德国,一个来自法国,全部会说中文。而且,按照沃克维茨的谦虚说法,他的中文水平还是"最差的之一"。ccERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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Economist Intelligence Unit (Economist Intelligence Unit) "recently released a survey report, entitled" cross-border competition: the cultural and communication barriers affect Commercial "(" C ") between February and March of this year, the agency and partners on the world's 572 senior corporate management to investigate, the result is that the worldwide economic recession to stimulate companies to increase the pace of expansion of international enterprises in order to be successful in overseas markets, the light has excellent quality to meet the needs of the market and services is not enough, you must also have the necessary cultural sensitivity and communication skills. a result, many companies increasingly expect employees fluent in the main foreign language. Most executives believe that international expansion is to be successful, employees must be able to speak English, Chinese is considered the second most important language.ccERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Facebook founder Zach Berg (right) are also learning ChineseccERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Learning Chinese will help increase the "sense of intimacy"ccERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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China is Germany's largest trading partner outside the European Union. In 2011, Sino-German bilateral trade amounted to 144 billion euros, Germany's exports to China doubled in the past three to four years. In this context, the German company, how to better adapt to Chinese culture and the market has become an important issue. Mr. Zhong Ming many years in the corporate cross-cultural training in Germany, Deutsche Welle said the number of his observations, in recent years in Germany studying Chinese and employees to participate in cross-cultural training is indeed an increasing trend. For some of the German businessman engaged in the ordinary international trade, may not need too much knowledge of Chinese, because most of China's foreign trade staff will speak English. For entrepreneurs wishing to invest in China or participating in the management of professional managers, have some knowledge of Chinese is necessary: ​​"Because the work environment in China is a Chinese environment, although the Chinese employees in general will also speak English, but foreign If the management staff will be Chinese, then you can get more information. For Chinese employees, said the Chinese foreigners have a more intense sense of intimacy, precisely because of this sense of intimacy, to get along will be more harmonious. the relationship established in the course of their work will be smooth. "ccERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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This statement has also been confirmed by Peter Walker Horowitz (Peter Wolkowicz), the German boy has been living in Shanghai for four, five years in China, no matter what aspect of the work in English and German, there are many small things can not be resolved, only to communicate in Chinese, for example, dealing with security, aunt or customer. "ccERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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Would say only that the Chinese can not "conquer the world"ccERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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According to official figures released by the Chinese Ministry of Education, the German students studying in China more than 5,400 people, many of whom the main purpose of learning Chinese. However, learning Chinese is extremely difficult for Westerners, which may explain why the survey conducted by the Economist Intelligence Unit, although many business executives believe that Chinese is very important, but only 8% The executives said they need to learn fluent Chinese. In addition, even if the master language skills, does not mean that communication barriers will no longer exist. Cite an example to chime in cross-cultural training "we Chinese people say 'things to think about it' actually means is no longer considered German to listen to the Chinese people say, 'think about' this thing will feel very hopeful But in the end will feel disappointed. Similar examples occur in the process of negotiation or cooperation, high risk ".ccERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
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German Walker Horowitz also believes that the biggest obstacle to good cross-border cooperation is brought about by cultural differences in communication misunderstanding, sinology students as a former, which he fully understood, "Although we know that to understand these different languages ​​and statement of cultural backgrounds, we still not one hundred percent of the habits of these things, because according to our logic and cultural backgrounds, we still feel that the mind understand the difference, but my heart is still some uncomfortable, because, after all, accustomed to the more direct comparison logic means of communication. "ccERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
ccERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语
Walker Horowitz think the key to learn the language or understand the culture, to "go beyond the grammar and vocabulary". Having said that, in Walker Horowitz effect design company, a total of six foreigners, five from Germany, one from France, and all speak Chinese. Moreover, according to the statement of Walker Horowitz modesty, his Chinese is one of the worst ".
ccERainbow Mandarin 彩虹汉语

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